Several times thought of giving up, missed a couple of classes, rested more and only 4 weeks more - i will only enrol in 1 class per week from now on. Have nearly finished making frame, drawing starting to improve again, finally got a screen print to work and in next week's last etching class he will show me how to photo etch the sleeping child drawing that worked well in screen printing - i was disappointed with results of hand etching which came out to lightly and he couldnt tell me why (the lines on the paper showed i pressed hard enough and i left in acid long enough.) It's anoisy dirty class so glad it's ending.
Screen print worked so printed on test paper, good textured paper, cotton, vests then went toclass storeroom to take off one ofmy tops to print on as screen emulsion may have disintergrated by next time. Got to use urea this time to thin some ink. Fortunately it was oderlous and clear. |
Overdid the neck tendons. |
Model on left is amateur is amatuer actor and so loves bringing in costumes which normally annoys me, but this time they dressed brilliantly to copy 'The Card Players'. |