Friday, August 17, 2012

New Post digital printmaking book

Must go to bookshop  to look into this book - sounds interesting.  Will update this post then.  
Around £22.

The Blurb
This groundbreaking book establishes Post-Digital Printmaking as a distinct area of printmaking practice both technically and conceptually. Radically different from digital print production (inkjet on high-quality paper), Post-Digital Printmaking integrates Computer Numeric Control (CNC) devices such as laser cutters and CNC routers with matrix production for lithography, intaglio and relief. This contemporary practice incorporates the strengths of both digital and traditional, resulting in hybrid printmaking techniques.

A comprehensive and accessible technical introduction to this important area of printmaking, this book explains techniques and processes in detail, discusses the contexts within which Post-Digital Printmaking has arisen, and includes examples and case studies of artists applying these hybrid techniques in their work.

Designers Block - Art Cakes

Would you eat or just look?

for more on this at Designers Block:

or go to the maker's, Maggie Austin, Facebook page for lots more -

Banana Ice Cream - banana and a little honey and absolutely nothing else.

Finally tried it.  Sliced 2 bananas, froze for a few hours then put into food processor with a little honey.   Had to stop about 6 times to push frozen banana down.  After a while it turns lighter colour and fluffier with hardly any bits - the more processing the better.   Serve straight away.   I only used a tiny bit of honey - to get the mixture going in the processor more than anything but it could do with less or none, taste wise.  Now going to try and add other frozen fruit to the banana mix.   Great desert to make at the last minute for guests - especially if you always have frozen banana slices in the freezer at all times for use in smoothies.

Banana icecream - bananas and nothing but the bananas.  I know it looks like it has lumps but that's just the way I moved it up with the spoon - by the time I had looked at photo properly on my desktop, I had eaten it all.

White Cars - this is mainly for John but anyone can help me decide

I am changing my car in a few months probably from Qashqai to Qashqai +2 - 8"  longer, and not sure what colour to get. 

Scarily I have been starting to like white cars.   I hate white van man, white boy racers and those big white party stretch-limousines.   So why do am I starting to like them.   Since I am Mrs average (not cutting edge - if I like it then most people are getting one or it's at least availabe for sale.)   I thought I should investigate what's happening with white cars.

  • I had wondered if it was the white iPod thing - i will definitely go for a white ipad (as well as loving everything white in my house).    
  •  I had already try to investigate whether lighter colour cars would be cooler - thus using less petrol on air conditioning and show less dust than the black one  (black looks more sophisticated but is also more hot)  - and yes I was correct 
  • in fact  I was right on all points - as this and other articles show-
  • apparently white went out after the 80s.  It's coming back and nearly overtaking black.  It's partly called the 'Apple Effect' and partly because of the above practical reasons.  However it's also because of a disgusting reality TV show about Essex young people who just love flash white cars - no I don't watch it.
  • There are lot of white cars coming out - apparently it's been building up over the last few years (Ipad time).  I saw a great new mini yesterday in white with black top.  Apparently a lot of white luxury cars are out too.  I definately seen a lot on the road - because I'm looking I guess.   see this guys pics of fav white cars -
My problem is that even though I might like the new white cars because of Apple, my love of white and the practical reasons (well yes I also can't resist bling sometimes), will I look like an old lady fan of the reality show - in a flash Essex girl's car (am I spiritually Essex - I'm obviously Essexist).  Will John look like a gangster and keep getting pulled over.  Will kids not be able to resist the nice white surface to draw on?  Will it be more likely to be nicked?

Apparently the colour of your car says something about your personality - grey and silver boring or is a company car.  Red is sporty obviously - most people too scared to have one.  Black is the most popular colour and white is about to overtake it.

Here is the sensible 'cafe late' ( cool late' or boring beige) colour of my current car.
My current colour - light enough and was the most popular colour for Qashqai - the one time I went understated.

I popped into Nissan yesterday to take pics of other colours and noticed they had just got in a new lot of their very cute Micras in - all in white.
The latest lot of Micras - all white

The Qashqai in white

Grey is ok

There are 2 reds - this is the brighter one.  Quite like both.

Black looks good but needs more chrome to look sophisticated.  It gets hot.

Knitted cushion cover - use old jumpers.

I was in Cork St galleries and there is store that always has nice but expensive things.   This time it had a knitted cushion cover.   Don't know how much - if you need to know the price, don't come inside dear - but I assume from previous prices of things there, it must be at least £100.   But it has given me more ideas for using old shirts and jumpers.   Would be nice to have a buttoned up shirt under buttoned cardigan as a cushion cover or sofa arm rest.  Might do it.

Two button knitted cushion covers.