Haven't done a lot of painting or drawing since high school.  I accidently ended up at university instead of art college.  30 years later I was shocked that I couldn't draw at an adult ed art class.  So for the last couple of years I have been trying to get back to high school level and hopefully beyond.  Last year I gained confidence when I sold my first painting.

What happened to my best friend/artist from high school?
Patricia Johnson was a better drawer than me.  Sadly, even though she came tops with me in most classes, she was withdrawn from school at age 14 to go out to work in a factory to help support her single father and 5 brothers and sisters.  We lost contact and it worries me that I let this happen.  The last time I saw her was in the early 70s when I was at university and she had 3 children.  I had somehow tracked her down.  I don't remember anything of our conversation.    I have tried to find her since on various sites without success.  I will try again.  I so very dearly hope she has also found her way back into art.  If anyone knows her, please ask her to leave a comment on this blog.

Here is her drawing of our high school which formed the cover of the annual school magazine for a few years:
Collingwood Girls School/High School Magazine Cover by Patricia Johnson nee ? - about 1963/4