Monday, August 8, 2011

Print making 2

3 monoprints - drawing on back of sheet lain on inked metal/glass sheet

The following are done by placing inks on metal then wiping ink away for light areas, drawing lines into the ink and perhaps adding colours, then placing sheet on top and printing (putting thru the press which i'd like to have but i have seen friend who just leaves under lots of books for days).  You can sometimes get a second or third print but they will be pale - see second woman's face, i also added colour before printing again.

the following one is french term i can't remember - collage and printing at the same time.

The following are done by scratching into polystyrene.  The first one - 2 prints, the styren sheet was cut into different segments so i could leave out some segments for second print.

etching copied from da vinci

1 comment:

  1. That looks like fun. I have always wanted to have a go at screen printing, but just don't want to buy all the stuff, especially given the stuff in here that never gets touched!
