Sunday, April 7, 2013

Went to non-religious Sunday Assembly in Islington

St Pauls, corner Ball Ponds Rd & Essex Rd. Started few months ago. On once a month. Is growing. In other countries like oz i think but i think London kicked it off. Co founded by 2 comedians. Met people from Kent, Exeter etc. exeter one meets weekly, started 3 weeks ago, Friday evenings. They came from all over to check it out, to help set up their own. A talk by writer Sarah Dunant, linked by inspiring funny snippets from comedian, fun songs, introducing oneself to those next to you, donation collection, tea and cake afterwards. Other groups like 'London Philosophers' and 'Good for Nothing' and request for volunteers to help run things. I might make cake!

Sun was out and arthritis responded to pain relief really well, so a great day.

Videos, singing 'Don't Stop Believing', and 'Always look on the bright side of Life', and laughter.


  1. I have never heard of this movement. It sounds like a really uplifting experience.

    I saw the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City last year. Their famous Sunday morning performance is a non-religious experience, but certainly left me feeling uplifted. Oh what a beautiful morning, moved me almost to tears. Their last song, which I don't know, really did move me to tears.

  2. I forgot to say that I loved the sketch.
